they pull away the dead into trucks - like factory - no human can do this - we beg Allah for save us - #Iranelection
Lalezar Sq is same as Baharestan - unbelevable - ppls murdered everywhere - #Iranelection
they catch ppl with mobile - so many killed today - so many injured - Allah Akbar - they take one of us - #Iranelection
in Baharestan we saw militia with axe choping ppl like meat - blood everywhere - like butcher - Allah Akbar - #Iranelection RT RT RT
phone line was cut and we lost internet - #Iranelection - getting more difficult to log into net - #Iranelection
ppl run into alleys and militia standing there waiting - from 2 sides they attack ppl in middle of alleys #Iranelection
saw 7/8 militia beating one woman with baton on ground - she had no defense nothing - #Iranelection sure that she is dead
they were waiting for us - they all have guns and riot uniforms - it was like a mouse trap - ppl being shot like animals #Iranelection
I see many ppl with broken arms/legs/heads - blood everywhere - pepper gas like war - #Iranelection
all hospitals is surrounded by militia to check why ppl going in - if gun or baton injury - they arrest and beat u #Iranelection
all foreign embassys surrounded by militia to stop ppl going in - #Iranelection
the only question now is how will the end happen - peacefully or with civil war - #Iranelection
the ppl have lost all faith in this Gov - Iran can never be same as b4 again - #Iranelection
the city is full of Baseej and Revolutionary Guards and plain closthes militia carrying baton and tear gas - #Iranelection
Weekend read – An ignorance of merit … I am confused
from Peter Radford Yes, I am confused. At least I admit it. There’s a lot
going on, and someone like me often wallows in the activity as a way of
2 hours ago