Wednesday: Hili dialogue
Welcome to a Hump Day (“LetÅ¡atÅ¡i la Hump” in Sepedi): it’s Wednesday, March
12, 2025, and National Milky Way Day, one of my favorite American Candy
Bars. H...
Something Nutty Emerging Here
Michael Hudson and Richard Wolff discuss Sahra Wagenknecht’s break from Die
Linke and her struggle to push genuine left-wing economic policies in
Romantic Decay As Cultural Drift
For the last year or so I’ve focused on the idea that our world’s dominant
monoculture is slowly going maladaptive, due to cultural drift.
Going Cold Turkey in our Addiction Economy
*We're prone to addiction, and addiction is highly profitable. They know
it, and we know it. *
*We inhabit an Addiction Economy. We all know the cure for ...
We are not bits: AI and dehumanization
[image: A muted, fuzzy photo above the clouds, with the bright sun in the
corner, possibly from an airplane window.]No matter how high we fly, we are
Week Notes 10-25
This week was pretty regular, although more meetings than I’d like due to
upcoming travel and other things shifting around that. The weather
brightened con...
Monday Message Board
Another Monday Message Board. Post comments on any topic. Civil discussion
and no coarse language please. Side discussions and idees fixes to the
On Columbia in the crosshairs
The world is complicated, and the following things can all be true: (1)
Trump and his minions would love to destroy American academia, to show
their power,...
The ABC (ombudsman) stopped talking to me
There was an ostensible “news” article on the ABC news site about Trump’s
AND R...
Visual Insights
I’m giving a talk next Friday, March 14th, at 9 am Pacific Daylight time
here in California. You’re all invited! (Note that Daylight Savings Time
starts Ma...
Energy limits are forcing the economy to contract
My analysis indicates that our expectation of what goes wrong with
inadequate energy supplies is wrong. Strangely enough, it is the finances
of governments...
How to Solve America's Electricity Crisis
My testimony for the House Oversight Committee's hearing on "Leading the
Charge: Opportunities to Strengthen America’s Energy Reliability."
Knuth prize call for nominations
Please consider nominating worthy candidates to the Knuth Prize! The prize
is awarded “for major research accomplishments and contributions to the
California’s path to redemption
California is by far the richest and most powerful polity led by
Progressive ideals, and it has taken a beating of late. In this post, I
discuss a practica...
California’s path to redemption
California is by far the richest and most powerful polity led by
Progressive ideals, and it has taken a beating of late. In this post, I
discuss a practica...
What is a Specious Argument?
Contrary to its traditional definition as an argument that “seems true but
is actually false,” speciousness arises when reasoning is based on
Become a Firefighter for Democracy
Wildfires are terrifying. They are especially gobsmackingly horrible when
you add in hurricane-style winds. I will never forget the day of the
Marshall Fir...
Phase 4
Phase 4 of the Russo / Ukraine war has been underway for many months. I
ought to have started a new thread and explained why I thought so back when
the Kur...
Predictions Scorecard, 2025 January 01
[You can follow me on social media: and see my
publications etc., at] This is my
seventh ann...
Papert’s 8 Big Ideas (Lithuanian Translation)
Translation by Marius Narvilas Aštuonios didžiosios konstrukcionizmo
idÄ—jos Dr Seymour Papert 1999 Pirmoji idÄ—ja – mokytis darant. Visada
išmokstama ger...
On taking first steps into a new orientation
This is a follow-up to my post On improving a computing model. My posting
to this blog has slowed down a lot over the last few years. One reason for
that i...
Experts vs. Imitators
If you want the highest quality information, you have to speak to the best
people. The problem is many people claim to be experts, who really aren’t.
Marble Maze Modules
Beyond the Marble: How Modular Mazes Build Skills and Spark Wonder Building
a marble maze is more than just a fun challenge—it’s a gateway to exploring
a w...
Return to 4th grade Code Club
One of my high school seniors wanted to do a service project teaching
coding to elementary students. He loved our field trip to the elementary
school that ...
Wellness: Bad Stress: Philosophy – Stoicism
In a previous post, I mentioned that I started researching wellness a few
months into the pandemic when I noticed my physical and mental health
declining. ...
Dreamtime (fragment)
Erin Riley is producing an exhibit of my TurtleArt and ArtLogo programming
at Greenwich Academy in March of 2020 and is helping, along with Zoë
It is pretty easy to add a rectangular fly screen to a sash window. But
the problem with sash windows is that the maximum they can open is half,
and th...
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