These are my more substantial, big picture, publications, gathered in one place (there are many other more detailed descriptions of particular apps or hardware toys I have made not listed here):
an innovative 21stC maker ed pathway (part two)
an innovative 21stC maker ed pathway (part one)
Whittlesea Tech School (April 2022)
innovation meets resistance: the war between ancients and moderns (April 2022)
Own your own factory, that makes more factories (March 2022)
Organising a 3D printer building activity (January 2022)
the 3 game changers: high level overview of the possibilities (September 2021)
21st Century Curriculum (September 2021)
Thoughts on reading Paulo Blikstein, the founder of the Fab Learn Schools Movement (August 2021)
dotted circles revisited (July 2021)
The Wider Walls in a book commemorating the 50th anniversary of the seminal paper by Cynthia Solomon and Seymour Papert, “Twenty Things to Do with a Computer.” (April 2021)
Your town need a community Fab Lab (July 2021)
Maker Space and Middle School Curriculum Reform (June 2021)
don't separate the what from the how (January 2021)
Culturally Situated Design Tools: Dotted Circles Exemplar (December 2019)
The three game changers and disadvantaged youth (Nov 2019): presented to and discussed with Leon Tripp, Regional Youth Programs Coordinator, Southern Region, Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet
integrating the digital technology curriculum with indigenous knowledge systems (October 2019)
how to evaluate construction kits: ten design principles (July 2019)
my evolving mangle -> ethnocomputing (July 2019)
Digital Innovation in Secondary Schools (July 2019) Submission to The Education and Health Standing Committee (a committee of the Western Australian Legislative Assembly) inquiry into Digital Innovation in Secondary Education
The teaching of coding (Jan 2019)
an old quote from Hal Abelson (December 2018)
technology as trickster, revisited (April 2018)
why software might be superior knowledge (April 2018)
How to dispense with Trump’s US
This is a follow-up to my previous post on the end of US democracy and its
implications. Here I will discuss how what’s left of the democratic world
can re...
2 hours ago
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